When to Kegel & When not to Kegel
A kegel isn’t just a squeeze but a squeeze AND a lift up. They are muscles that are deep inside the body so when you do one, no one should be able to tell. Your glutes shouldn’t contract; your abs shouldn’t tighten, your inner thighs shouldn’t contract. And although kegels may not be apart of your specific pelvic floor physical therapy plan, it is important that you are able to understand and coordinate how to do one.
The Hidden Connection Between Stress and Your Pelvic Floor
Stress is a common part of life, but did you know it can directly impact your pelvic floor? This often-overlooked connection can explain why chronic stress might lead to issues like pelvic pain, urinary incontinence, or even low back discomfort.
What is Pelvic Health PT and Why Do You Need One?
In the realm of physical therapy, there's a lesser-known but incredibly vital specialty that deals with the pelvic floor – a group of muscles that often goes unnoticed until problems arise. Pelvic floor physical therapy (PFPT) is gaining recognition for its effectiveness in treating a wide range of issues, from pelvic pain to urinary incontinence. In this blog, we'll delve into what PFPT entails and why you should consider seeking the expertise of a pelvic floor physical therapist.
5 Ways to Improve Your Pelvic Floor Postpartum
Days after going through labor and delivery, whether it was a vaginal or c-section delivery, can make you question what the heck is going on “down there”. Read below for 5 things you can safely do immediately postpartum for your pelvic floor!
5 Tips to Spice up your Sex Life
There can be a variety of reasons why we may have pain with intimacy! You should know that pain with intimacy is NEVER normal! Top 5 tips for improving pain with intimacy!
How the Pelvic Floor Affects Your Feet
Understanding the connection between the pelvic floor and feet has significant implications for various health conditions. Physical therapy, exercises focusing on pelvic floor and foot health, and awareness of posture can contribute to improved overall well-being.
Is Anal Sex Safe?
Is it safe to play in the back floor? Join this discussion with a pelvic floor physical therapist.
Let’s talk about sex…. and the role of the pelvic floor in sexual health
Let’s talk about… and how the pelvic floor plays a part in it.
What Can I Expect At My First Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy Appointment?
Know exactly what to expect at that first session. The HOPE Docs do things differently - and we do them exactly how you deserve!